Monday, August 11, 2008

Back in Melbourne and off to Adelaide.

Well, we are back in Melbourne after spending two rainy and (very) cold days in Port Fairy on the coast. Port Fairy was one of those places that we wished we would've had a better chance to explore, but the weather just would not cooperate. It seemed that every time the sun would come out, and we would take a chance on taking a walk, we would get caught in yet another frigid downpour (at one point, we actually had to take shelter as the hail that was coming down was the size of peas).

The hostel was a great old building from the mid 1800's (with insulation to match and no central heating of course) so we bundled up under our duvets at night and huddled together to stay warm. We met some fantastic people though, and I must say that weather aside, it was one of the best places we've seen so far.

We stopped at Tower Hill - an extinct volcano - on the way back and spotted emus, wallabies, kangaroos, and even 2 koalas perched high in the gum trees!

We spent last night here in Melbourne and we'll catch the bus to the airport this afternoon for our flight to Adelaide. We are going to be playing it by ear when we reach Adelaide as we have dropped our plans to visit Kangaroo island because of the cost. We'll hit the Barossa valley wine route, spend a couple of days in the city and we might get a chance to visit a National park or 2.

I can't believe we still have 2 more weeks here - it feels like we've been here forever! : )

1 comment:

Ing said...

good for you guys nance, i knew it would feel like a nice long break from the usual. i am loving reading your blog, keep the lines coming! oliver sounds like he's being a fantastic traveler, keep up the good work, oliver! :)